This is the file corresponding to Problem 2 on the Midterm Exam.
from pyomo.environ import *
from pyomo.opt import *
opt = solvers.SolverFactory("glpk")
t = {'Cut': 38, 'Roll': 28, 'Weld': 21}
p = {'P01': 260, 'P02': 350, 'P03': 250, 'P04': 370}
w = {('Cut', 'P01'): 1.1,
('Cut', 'P02'): 2.5,
('Cut', 'P03'): 1.7,
('Cut', 'P04'): 2.6,
('Roll', 'P01'): 1.7,
('Roll', 'P02'): 2.1,
('Roll', 'P03'): 1.4,
('Roll', 'P04'): 2.4,
('Weld', 'P01'): 1.6,
('Weld', 'P02'): 1.3,
('Weld', 'P03'): 1.6,
('Weld', 'P04'): 0.8}
P = list(p.keys())
M = list(t.keys())
model = ConcreteModel()
model.x = Var(P, within=NonNegativeReals)
def profit_rule(model):
return sum(p[j]*model.x[j] for j in P)
model.profit = Objective(rule=profit_rule, sense=maximize)
def capacity_rule(model, i):
return sum(w[i,j]*model.x[j] for j in P) <= t[i]
model.capacity_constraint = Constraint(M, rule=capacity_rule)
model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
results = opt.solve(model)
for i in M]