Fall Semester 2002
Partial Differential Equations
- Overview:
This class is an introduction to the theory of partial
differential equations. The main topics are: classification of
PDEs, linear prototypes (transport equation, Poisson equation,
heat equation, wave equation); functional setting, function
spaces, variational methods, weak and strong solutions; first
order nonlinear PDEs, introduction to conservation laws; exact
solution techniques, transform methods, power series solutions,
- Organizational Meeting:
- Monday, September 9, 12:20 in East Hall 4.
- Regular class time will be scheduled in this meeting, so please
be there or, if this is absolutely impossible, send me an email
with a list of available timeslots.
- Textbook:
L.C. Evans: Partial Differential Equations
Last modified: 2002/09/06
This page: http://math.iu-bremen.de/oliver/teaching/iub/fall2002/pde.html
Marcel Oliver